P r o j e c t s

Title: Study on barriers to the use of construction products in construction services

Short description: This study concerns the single market for services and thus focuses on construction services. It aims to inventory the rules of Member States pertaining to the use of certain construction products in conducting construction services, as defined for the purposes of this study, and assess those rules in light of applicable EU law, notably the Services Directive and EU legislation on health and safety at work, with consideration for Articles 49 and 56 TFEU.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria


Title: Study on monitoring progress in national initiatives on digitizing industry

Short description: The main objective of this study was to develop and build a well-structured information collection and monitoring instrument on the national initiatives taken to digitise the industry covering all EU Member States.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria

Title: Study on the differences between bank insolvency laws and on their potential harmonization

Short description: The objective of the study was to gather information from relevant legislative texts as well as practical application of the legislative framework – on national insolvency regimes applicable to banks in the Member States, with a view to: comparing existing legislation, identifying different options for the harmonisation of the existing national laws, and – assessing potential advantages and challenges in harmonising the existing national laws, as well as the impact thereof.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria

Title: Study on professional indemnity insurance for services providers (under the Services Directive)

Short description: The objective of the study was to gather information from relevant legislative texts as well as practical application of the legislative framework – on national insolvency regimes applicable to banks in the Member States, with a view to: comparing existing legislation, identifying different options for the harmonisation of the existing national laws, and – assessing potential advantages and challenges in harmonising the existing national laws, as well as the impact thereof.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria and Sweden.

Title: Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme Evaluation

Short description:The objective was to perform an independent evaluation of the programme Interreg V-A Romania – Bulgaria Programme. The findings showed that the programme was a mature one with very good levels of performance in terms of physical and financial achievements and communication.

Our Role: Carried out research and interviews for Bulgaria

Title: Study on Supply Chain Finance

Short description: The overall aim of the study was to provide an in-depth analysis of the current state and recent developments in the area of supply chain finance at EU-level and within the Member States.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria

Title: Mapping and assessment of removal of legal and administrative barriers in the services sectors

Short description: The objective of this study was to provide accurate data to the European Commission that would allow the Commission prepare comprehensive reports on the application of that Directive and its evolution over time.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria

Title: Study on the Transposition by Member States of Directive 2016/943 on Trade Secrets

Short description: The objective of this study was to provide assistance to the European Commission in the evaluation of the Member States’ transposition and implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure (the “Trade Secrets Directive”).

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria and Cyprus. Produced the Overall report for the EU.

Title: Study on the identification of nonnotified technical regulations in relation to Directive (EU) 2015/1535 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations and of rules on Information Society services and the application of relevant case-law on inapplicability by national Courts

Short description: This study identified all technical regulations adopted by the Member States, and non-notified in the context of the procedure laid down by Directive (EU) 2015/15351 as well as the case law of the national courts on the ground of the inapplicability of technical regulations adopted without prior notification or before the end of the standstill period prescribed under the Directive.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study on the Proportionality Assessment by the Member States when adopting the Retail Establishment related requirements pursuant to Directive 2006/123/EC

Short description: The purpose of this tender was to gather relevant information that is expected to assist it in the context of the Commission’s work on the preparation of the potential Guidelines on the application of the proportionality test in the retail establishment field.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study to support a report from the Commission to the European Parliament, Council and the European Economic and Social Committee on the application of Regulation (EU) No 4/2009 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations

Short description: The objective of the contract was to provide the European Commission with an analysis of the application of the Regulation and the relevant evidence, in order to allow the Commission to produce and adopt a report on the application of the Regulation.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study to support the preparation of an EU instrument on to help improve the resilience of our democracies and address the threats of interference in elections through greater transparency in political advertising, and other measures to promote resilient democracy in the EU

Short description: The objective of the study was to map all relevant legislation and practices in the EU Member States including the rules relevant to political advertising (including private sector actors), both online and offline, within and outside of electoral periods, all instruments, guidelines and professional codes/guidelines, including those applicable to online platforms and other intermediaries

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Behavioural Study on Strategies to Maximise the Effectiveness of Product Recalls

Short description: The overall objective of this study was to provide policy recommendations to the European Commission (DG JUST) in developing initiatives to increase product registration and recall effectiveness for non-food products. The specific focus was on behavioural remedies that are most effective in encouraging registration (both online and offline) and product recall response by consumers.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study on the transposition by Member States of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 on Trade Marks

Short description: The objective of this tender was to evaluate Member States’ transposition and implementation of the relevant provisions of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria and Malta.

Title: Study on the possible impacts of a Proposal for Revision of Directive 2002/65/EC concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services

Short description: The study sought to identify the commercial practices consumers face at the advertising and pre-contractual stages when searching for and buying retail.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study on the digitalisation of Cross-border judicial cooperation in the EU

Short description: The main purpose of this study was to analyse different aspects related to the digitalisation of communication between courts/competent authorities of Member States and between those authorities and the parties to the proceedings in the areas of EU civil, commercial and criminal law, including the possibility for using videoconferencing systems in cross-border proceedings.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Study on the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and on the developments in the provision of public passenger transport

Short description: The objective of this study project was to provide the European Commission with relevant factual and analytical information on the implementation of important provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 and of key developments in the provision of public passenger transport in EU Member States

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Assistance with the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency

Short description: The study aimed at assessing the conformity of transposition of the Directive by all (then) 28 EU Member States.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

Title: Mapping and Assessment of Removal of Legal and Administrative Barriers in the Services Sector

Short description: The objective of this study was to provide the basis for the European Commission to build a detailed legal mapping of national regulatory restrictions in a number of services sectors.

Our Role: Carried out research for Bulgaria.

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(10am - 05 pm)